Post by Matt~Attude on May 19, 2010 17:44:41 GMT
hi all, does anyone know anything about injection wiring looms in general? as i have a mini wiring loom for a carb and i now have a emerald mappable ecu and a diy loom. i have started to strip the mini loom to remove the wires for coil and dizzy and i'll then root a wire from the ignition live from the mini loom to a second fuse box to power the ecu and it loom. should be ok like this?. i have the basics in place for the sensors off the ecu plug already is a good idea to run all the sensor wires through a fuse box or is it not realy important. secondly will i need to use relays for fuel pump and the injectors? any input would be helpful or any links. cheers matt
Post by MiniHaven on May 23, 2010 22:45:18 GMT
Hi matt i would reccomend using an spi or mpi relay pack for the fuel pump and also an inersia switch for the unlikely event of a crash so the pump will be disconnected from the supply and then reduce the prospect of petrol being pumped all over you and your passenger and of course the next worry of a spark and fire or explosion . These are basic requirement for any injection engined car that uses presurised fuel supply. Inersia switches can be found in most modern cars at the scrappy FYI they should be resettable rubberised topped module which usually sits on the minis bulkhead near the windscreen wiper motor with a brace of relays .